Our God is great! In a little over a week, I will be in Kenya. It’s scary, really. However, God continues to press the words “I will direct your steps” into my heart over and over.

And your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, “This is the way, walk in it,” when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left. (Isaiah 30:21, ESV)

I am hopeful that my steps in Kenya will be directed so that I can share what God is doing there. I pray that my ears and eyes will be open to see God’s work. And I pray that my mouth would be ready to speak what He would have me to share.

My smaller concerns are about the physical nature of it all.  I am curious how hot it will actually be over there and wonder what day my skin will resist my efforts to bathe it in sunscreen and change into a brilliant shade of red. I wonder what it will smell like in the slums of Nairobi. I wonder what the food will taste like and hope that I will not become too sick. I wonder how fragile my heart will feel once I see my two wonderful kids: Kawira and Wycliffe.

This video is Chris Tomlin’s “How Great is Our God” and he is accompanied by the voices of other worship leaders who sing in their native languages – Hindi, Indonesian, Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and then a Zulu choir joins the mix, and finally, Mandarin. It amazes me and I cannot wait to hear the languages that will be spoken in Kenya.

God’s love is living and active. He is present in all of the world and in every single one of our steps. I can’t believe that I am stepping forward to go to Kenya. I cannot wait to see what He will do.